Our purpose is to provide opportunities for wellness of mind, body, and heart.

Who We Are:

The Corey Holmgren Memorial Fund is a Utah based 501 (C) (3) nonprofit organization. We formed this organization with the intent to help those who Corey would have helped if he were still here. As a therapist, Corey gave a portion of his time as free services to those who could not afford therapy. We provide therapy scholarships for those who need it most. Corey would love this as we encourage a full range of health – emotionally, mentally, and physically.

About Corey

Corey Comish Holmgren was born and raised in Tremonton, UT. He graduated from Bear River High School in 2002 and loved being on the swim team and playing goalie for their water polo team. He spent 2 summers as a Boy Scout counselor at Camp Loll near Yellowstone on the Wyoming/Idaho border. He served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Florianopolis, Brazil from 2003-2005.

Donate to the Corey Holmgren Memorial Fund today! 

Every dollar will go toward The Corey Holmgren Memorial Fund and their efforts to give back the way Corey would.